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Chiropractic Marketing Tools that will Grow Your Practice


There are two chiropractic marketing "tools", in my opinion, that will grow your practice.

These "tools", however, are more like "chiropractic advertising methods" than anything else. They are still some of the best and most effective methods to get new patients and grow your practice.

Let's get straight to the point:

Chiropractic Marketing tool #1: PPC Chiropractic Marketing using Google AdWords

PPC marketing is simply advertising your chiropractic clinic on major search engines... but with a cool spin. You don't pay for your advertisement when it is displayed with PPC marketing. You only pay when someone clicks on the ad and visits your website after seeing your chiropractic advertisement.

But, it gets even better...

You can choose EXACTLY WHEN your ad will be displayed on major search engines. This allows you to target your ads to only the most qualified chiropractic searchers online. Your ad will then appear to just them and you'll only pay when they click on it. This is the most targeted chiropractic marketing available today. Seriously. You only pay for targeted traffic that will convert to paying patients. This is really amazing! This strategy is so effective that I included it in my list of "chiropractic strategies that will grow your practice".

Chiropractic Tool # 2: Endorsed Offers

Endorsed offers is nothing more than having a local business owner, operator, or member in your geographical area endorse you and/or your chiropractic practice to his/her customers, clients members, etc. The percentage of potential patients who become paying clients for your practice increases dramatically when you establish this type of relationship. Why? When another business owner endorses chiropractic care at your office and has a list of clients who trust them, they can get a response of 20-30% more than with any other chiropractic marketing.

Consider it this way...

Imagine that a local trainer is talking with their clients and explaining the benefits of chiropractic treatment. Imagine a massage therapist in your area talking with their clients about the benefits of chiropractic care. Because the trust and credibility are already there, the response to "cold" chiropractic advertising is usually much higher.

You may wonder why another local business operator or owner would endorse your practice.

There are many reasons.

You can first work out a barter agreement with them. They endorse you and you practice in exchange of complimentary chiropractic care. You can also work out an arrangement with them whereby you endorse them in exchange for their endorsement. You can also work out revenue sharing arrangements with them for services like massages in your office. They will receive a percentage from each client that they refer to you. Your imagination is the only limit to what type of offer you can arrange.

Chiropractic Tool # 3: Automated Chiropractic marketing via email

Email marketing is a powerful tool for generating referrals and growing your practice. It can be set up to run on autopilot and it costs nothing.

Chiropractic email marketing, which is four times more effective than other forms of advertising (according to Direct Marketing Association) must be included on your list of "chiropractors tools that will grow your practice".

Consider it this way...

Set up your email marketing campaign ONCE and it will work for you over and over again. This can be done for new patients. This can be done to reactivate patients who are inactive. This can be done for leads that have not been converted. This is a great way to get referrals each week. This can be done for your networking partners. The Chiropractic dashboard will do all of this and more for you.

You're missing out on a great tool for building your practice if you don't use email chiropractic marketing. Seriously.



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